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Karnataka 2nd PUC Supplementary results are declared September 13, 2022 | 1.5 Crore Education loan offered for studying abroad 40 Lakh in India
Msc Fashion & Design (Bachelor of Science in Fashion and Apparel Design)

The course emphasizes on the technical concepts of fashion and apparel designing and production, a necessity in the country’s largest private sector employer and global earner. It covers subjects related to product identification, analysis, selection, supply, procurement, development and manufacture, designing, production, quality control and assurance, retail, management and marketing. Candidates will have diverse knowledge about the techniques used in design and management of textiles and apparel and use this to forecast and identify the current fashion trends. Focus is given to the constant monitoring of trends, analysis of failures, brand management and sustainable production based on cultural, social, historical, contemporary and technological advancements. Skills like analytical thinking, creativity, strategy, innovation, critical-thinking, computer-aided knowledge, problem solving and entrepreneurship are enhanced through this course both in theory and in practice

List of Top Msc Fashion & Design Colleges in Bangalore

List of Top Msc Fashion & Design Colleges in Mangalore

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